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AWS Certification Exams
About us
Over 6500 companies rely on ExpertRating for their training and testing needs
ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015
certified company offering online certification and training services to individuals and companies globally. Over 25 million people have benefited from ExpertRating Online Certifications and assessments. ExpertRating is the winner of the Google SME Hero's award for showing outstanding use of technology in delivering trusted services to thousands of people on a daily basis. Our affordable certifications are an excellent way of demonstrating your knowledge and skills to prospective employers as well as vastly boosting your chances of moving ahead in your business or career.
We deliver over 3 million online certifications and tests annually.
What is a Combo, and how can it save you 50%
When you choose a combo instead of a single purchase, you can avail 50% off on additional purchases. The first certification will be at full price, and all additional ones at 50% off. This is great way to enhance your skills at half the price.