E-learning has emerged as an important paradigm of learning. As a complement and as an alternative to classroom education, it has much to offer everyone.
ExpertRating is a leading name in the galaxy of companies offering E-learning solutions. With an ISO 9001:2008* certification from TÜV SÜD America, ExpertRating has a huge database of online courses and tests spanning a vast spectrum of conventional and emerging domains of learning. More than 2,700,000 individuals across the world have obtained ExpertRating certifications since the company's inception in the year 2000.
Pre-employment assessment is another area in which ExpertRating specializes. The company offers off-the-shelf and customized testing, and skills development services which are fit for use by all organizations, private or public. In the long list of corporate entities that ExpertRating has already served, some of the notable names include- Convergys, Deltek, Ericsson, IKEA Systems, Fox News andFiserv.
ExpertRating's mandate is to deliver high-quality services at competitive prices so as to achieve full customer satisfaction. With that objective in mind, ExpertRating undertakes routine upgrade of all its offerings, and adopts latest technologies for the delivery of both the existing products and the new additions to its course and test lists.