Become a certified personal trainer with ExpertRating’s Personal Trainer Certification and secure a place for yourself in one of the fastest growing industries - the fitness industry.

Learn proper exercise techniques for different parts of the body, including the abdomen, back, chest, legs, forearms, and shoulders. Get the lowdown on the muscular system, sports injuries, first aid, food, nutrition, and weight loss. And get valuable tips to manage your own personal trainer business.

Sign up for the ExpertRating Personal Trainer Certification now

for just $99.99.

All inclusive : 200+ Page online course, Testing fee, Hardcopy certificate & Mailing charges.

Haga clic aquí para registrarse ahora para obtener la certificación de entrenador personal ExpertRating



About The Personal Trainer Certification

The ExpertRating Online Personal Trainer Certification has been developed for people who would like to start a career in the fitness industry or would like to get their fitness training skills formally certified. The personal trainer course has been designed so that it is easily understood by beginners and people new to personal training and fitness concepts. The online Personal Training Certification Course includes over 120 animated and explained exercises.

Why Get Certified?

While it is not mandatory for the personal trainers to be certified, it is certainly very beneficial for job and work prospects. Showing that you have been certified gives confidence to clients and hiring managers that you possess the essential knowledge and skills to get the job done.

This certification comes with everything you need including an in-depth online courseware with plenty of examples and expert tips. The course usually takes 2-4 weeks to complete, after which you can take the online test from your own device. You receive an online transcript as well as a hard copy certificate delivered at your physical address. We also provide highly responsive feedback to hundreds of employee verification requests annually. Taking this certification could be the smartest move for your fitness career.


Personal Trainer Certification - $99.99

When you choose one of the ExpertRating fitness certifications you can be sure that you are buying a premium International certification that is recognized by hundreds of employers and Government bodies in the US and other countries. (note : there is currently no governing body on personal trainer certifications in the U.S.). View the Syllabus to see the contents of the 200+ page course.

Online Personal Trainer Course Requirements:

For taking this Online Personal Trainer Course and the final exam, you need internet access, an email account, and a web browsers. Everything you need to know is included in the course and no prior knowledge is required. With the ExpertRating Online Personal Trainer Certification, you will learn every essential aspect of Personal Training, from Technique and Terminology to Managing your business. This certification is suitable for beginners as well as experienced health enthusiasts and is consistently rated a solid 4.9/5 on TrustPilot.

Personal Trainer Certification

Syllabus (60 hours)

Roles and Responsibilities of a Personal TrainerRoles and Responsibilities of a Personal Trainer The Characteristics of a Good Personal TrainerThe Characteristics of a Good Personal Trainer Ethical Responsibility of the Personal TrainerEthical Responsibility of the Personal Trainer Good Gym Habits to be Kept in Mind and Taught to Clients Good Gym Habits to be Kept in Mind and Taught to Clients
Fitness DefinedFitness Defined Benefits of Exercise and FitnessBenefits of Exercise and Fitness Components of FitnessComponents of Fitness Motor fitness, VO2 Max, VO2 difference, Calculate Your Exercise Heart Rate Range Motor fitness, VO2 Max, VO2 difference, Calculate Your Exercise Heart Rate Range Aerobics and Anaerobic Physical Activity Aerobics and Anaerobic Physical Activity Principles of Fitness Principles of Fitness Weight Training and Body Building Weight Training and Body Building Points to Remember When Commencing a Weight Training Program Points to Remember When Commencing a Weight Training Program Over-Training and Pain Over-Training and Pain Repetitions and Sets (reps and sets) Repetitions and Sets (reps and sets) Terms and Definitions Terms and Definitions
Warming UpWarming Up Repetitions and Sets (reps and sets)Repetitions and Sets (reps and sets) Training Program Chart 1Training Program Chart 1 Training Program Chart 2 Training Program Chart 2 Training Program Chart 3 Training Program Chart 3 New Trainee General Fitness Program New Trainee General Fitness Program Body Part Fitness Training (New trainee) Body Part Fitness Training (New trainee) Experienced Trainee General Fitness ProgramExperienced Trainee General Fitness Program Experienced Trainee Body Part Fitness Training Experienced Trainee Body Part Fitness Training
The Cardiovascular SystemThe Cardiovascular System Calculate Your Exercise Heart Rate RangeCalculate Your Exercise Heart Rate Range Different Body TypesDifferent Body Types The Process of Digestion The Process of Digestion Types of Muscles Types of Muscles Fast Twitch and Slow Twitch Muscle FibersFast Twitch and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers The Human Muscular System The Human Muscular System
About Warming UpAbout Warming Up Warming Up Exercises for the BackWarming Up Exercises for the Back Exercises to Strengthen the Back and Avoid InjuryExercises to Strengthen the Back and Avoid Injury Warming up and stretching exercises explained through animated images of trainers
												performing the exercises Warming up and stretching exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises Body weight squat bendArms forward squat Feet apart seated forward bendsFeet apart seated forward bends Flat bench kneel Flat bench kneel Forward bends Forward bends Hamstring stretches Hamstring stretches Hurdler's stretches Hurdler's stretches Inner thigh stretches Inner thigh stretches Leaning against the wall Leaning against the wall Low back roll Low back roll Opposite arm grab Opposite arm grab Opposite elbow pull Opposite elbow pull Side bends Side bends Straight arm twist Straight arm twist Standing one leg hold Standing one leg hold
About Abdominal MusclesAbout Abdominal Muscles Spot Reduction mythSpot Reduction myth Abdominal Exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the
												exercisesAbdominal Exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises Sit Ups Sit Ups Curl Up Curl Up Crunch ( hands crossed over chest)Crunch ( hands crossed over chest) Crunch ( hands behind head)Crunch ( hands behind head) Supported Crunch Supported Crunch Tuck Crunch Tuck Crunch Butterfly Crunch Butterfly Crunch Cable Crunch Cable Crunch Straight Leg Crunch Straight Leg Crunch Medicine Ball Crunch Medicine Ball Crunch Reverse Crunch Reverse Crunch Reverse Crunch On Incline Board Reverse Crunch On Incline Board Seated Knee Up Seated Knee Up Vertical Bench Knee Raise Vertical Bench Knee Raise Vertical Bench Leg Raise Vertical Bench Leg Raise Twist Twist Ab Contraption Ab Contraption Decline Bench Twisting Crunch Decline Bench Twisting Crunch Side Bend With Dumbbell Side Bend With Dumbbell Oblique Crunch Oblique Crunch Seated Spinal Twist Seated Spinal Twist Side Jack Knife Side Jack Knife
About Back MusclesAbout Back Muscles Back exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercisesBack exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises Dead LiftDead Lift Good Mornings Good Mornings HyperextensionsHyperextensions Lat Machine PulldownsLat Machine Pulldowns Close Grip Pulldowns Close Grip Pulldowns Seated Cable Rows Seated Cable Rows Bent Over Barbell Rows Bent Over Barbell Rows T-bar Rows T-bar Rows One Arm Dumbbell Rows - Incline Bench One Arm Dumbbell Rows - Incline Bench Wide Grip Chin-Ups (Front) Wide Grip Chin-Ups (Front) Wide Grip Chin-Ups (Behind The Neck) Wide Grip Chin-Ups (Behind The Neck) Close Grip Chin-Ups Close Grip Chin-Ups Seated Machine Rows Seated Machine Rows Reverse Pec-Decs Reverse Pec-Decs
About Muscles of the ArmAbout Muscles of the Arm Bicep exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercisesBicep exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises Standing Alternate Barbell CurlsStanding Alternate Barbell Curls Incline Dumbbell Curls Incline Dumbbell Curls Preacher Curls Preacher Curls Preacher Curls with EZ BarPreacher Curls with EZ Bar Hammer Curls Seated Hammer Curls Seated Concentration Curls Concentration Curls Two Hand Cable CurlsTwo Hand Cable Curls Cable Curl With Preacher Bench Cable Curl With Preacher Bench 3-Part Curls 3-Part Curls Hammer Cable Curls with Rope Hammer Cable Curls with Rope Bent Over Barbell Concentration Curls Bent Over Barbell Concentration Curls High Cable Double Bicep Curl High Cable Double Bicep Curl Reverse Preacher Bench Curls Reverse Preacher Bench Curls Standing Barbell Curls Standing Barbell Curls
About the Chest MusclesAbout the Chest Muscles Chest exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercisesChest exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises. Barbell Flat Bench PressBarbell Flat Bench Press Flat Bench Dumbbell Press Flat Bench Dumbbell Press Flat Bench Cable Crossover Flat Bench Cable Crossover Incline Dumbbell PressIncline Dumbbell Press Incline Smith Machine PressIncline Smith Machine Press Decline Dumbbell Press Decline Dumbbell Press Parallel DipsParallel Dips Dumbbell FlysDumbbell Flys Incline Dumbbell Flys Incline Dumbbell Flys Machine Flys (Pec-Dec Flys) Machine Flys (Pec-Dec Flys) Bent Forward Cable Cross OverBent Forward Cable Cross Over Wide Arm Push Up With Feet ElevatedWide Arm Push Up With Feet Elevated Barbell Decline Bench Press Barbell Decline Bench Press Back Dumbbell Pullover Back Dumbbell Pullover Flat Bench Cable Crossover Flat Bench Cable Crossover
Forearm exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercisesForearm exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises About Muscles of the armAbout Muscles of the arm Behind The Back Wrist CurlsBehind The Back Wrist Curls Cable Reverse CurlsCable Reverse Curls Machine Wrist Curls Machine Wrist Curls Reverse Barbell CurlsReverse Barbell Curls Reverse Wrist Curls With DumbbellsReverse Wrist Curls With Dumbbells
About Muscles of the LegAbout Muscles of the Leg Leg exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercisesLeg exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises. SquatsSquats Front SquatsFront Squats Incline Leg Press Incline Leg Press Hack SquatsHack Squats Dumbbell LungesDumbbell Lunges Leg ExtensionsLeg Extensions Leg CurlsLeg Curls Standing Leg CurlsStanding Leg Curls Straight Leg DeadliftsStraight Leg Deadlifts Single-Quad Incline Leg PressSingle-Quad Incline Leg Press Dumbbell Deadlift Between LegsDumbbell Deadlift Between Legs Standing Calf RaisesStanding Calf Raises Seated Calf RaisesSeated Calf Raises Donkey Calf RaisesDonkey Calf Raises One Leg Calf RaisesOne Leg Calf Raises MultiHip1MultiHip1 Multihip2Multihip2
About the Shoulder MusclesAbout the Shoulder Muscles Shoulder exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the
												exercisesShoulder exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises Arnold PressArnold Press Behind the Neck PressBehind the Neck Press Clean and PressClean and Press Front Raises SeatedFront Raises Seated Front Machine PressFront Machine Press One Arm Front Cable RaisesOne Arm Front Cable Raises One Arm Side Cable LateralsOne Arm Side Cable Laterals One Arm Standing Dumbbell PressSingle Arm Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press Reverse Overhead Dumbbell LateralsReverse Overhead Dumbbell Laterals Seated Bent Over LateralsSeated Bent Over Laterals Seated Dumbbell PressSeated Dumbbell Press Seated Dumbbell Side LateralsSeated Dumbbell Side Laterals Standing military PressStanding military Press Trapezius exercises explained throughTrapezius exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises. Barbell ShrugsBarbell Shrugs Dumbbell ShrugsDumbbell Shrugs Machine ShrugsMachine Shrugs Upright RowsUpright Rows Tricep exercises explained throughTricep exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises. Tricep Cable PressdownsTricep Cable Pressdowns One Arm Tricep ExtensionsOne Arm Tricep Extensions Dumbbell KickbacksDumbbell Kickbacks Lying French PressLying French Press One Arm Cable Reverse PressdownsOne Arm Cable Reverse Pressdowns Seated French PressSeated French Press Bent Over High Pulley Cable ExtensionBent Over High Pulley Cable Extension Seated Dumbbell French PressSeated Dumbbell French Press Dips Behind The BackDips Behind The Back
What Should Be Done in a Medical Emergency?What Should Be Done in a Medical Emergency? A. Steps to Be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Unconscious and not BreathingA. Steps to Be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Unconscious and not Breathing B. Steps to Be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Unconscious but BreathingB. Steps to Be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Unconscious but Breathing C. Steps to Be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Suffering from Severe External
												BleedingC. Steps to Be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Suffering from Severe External Bleeding D. Abdominal InjuryD. Abdominal Injury E. Artificial RespirationE. Artificial Respiration F. External Chest CompressionF. External Chest Compression G. Back and Neck InjuriesG. Back and Neck Injuries H. First Aid for UnconsciousnessH. First Aid for Unconsciousness Steps to be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Unconscious but BreathingSteps to be Taken in Case of a Casualty Who is Unconscious but Breathing I. Pulse and RespirationI. Pulse and Respiration J. First Aid In Case of ChokingJ. First Aid In Case of Choking K. First Aid for FracturesK. First Aid for Fractures L. First Aid In Case of Drowning AccidentsL. First Aid In Case of Drowning Accidents
A. Back InjuriesA. Back Injuries B. Neck InjuriesB. Neck Injuries C. Bursitis (Students Elbow)C. Bursitis (Students Elbow) D. Sprained or Twisted Ankle InjuriesD. Sprained or Twisted Ankle Injuries E. Total Rupture of the Achilles TendonE. Total Rupture of the Achilles Tendon F.Cramp of the Calf Muscles (Gastrocnemius or Soleus)F.Cramp of the Calf Muscles (Gastrocnemius or Soleus) G. Shin Splints (Periostitis)G. Shin Splints (Periostitis) H. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (including CMP or Chondromalacia Patellae)H. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (including CMP or Chondromalacia Patellae) I. Hamstring Strain (tear of the hamstring muscles)I. Hamstring Strain (tear of the hamstring muscles) J.Impingement syndrome(Swimmer's / Thrower's shoulder)J.Impingement syndrome(Swimmer's / Thrower's shoulder) K. Rotator Cuff InjuryK. Rotator Cuff Injury
The Food Guide PyramidThe Food Guide Pyramid Recommended Serving Sizes for Foods High in CarbohydrateRecommended Serving Sizes for Foods High in Carbohydrates FATFAT CARBOHYDRATESCARBOHYDRATES PROTEINPROTEIN VITAMINSVITAMINS MINERALSMINERALS
Principle of weight lossPrinciple of weight loss Calculating BMICalculating BMI Points to keep in mind while taking up Weight Loss ClientsPoints to keep in mind while taking up Weight Loss Clients Benefits of Exercise in a Weight Loss ProgramBenefits of Exercise in a Weight Loss Program Eating Low Fat and High Carbohydrates Diet (low-fat, hi-carb diet)Eating Low Fat and High Carbohydrates Diet (low-fat, hi-carb diet) Diet GuidelinesDiet Guidelines Healthy Eating? Food Guide PyramidHealthy Eating? Food Guide Pyramid Tips to Cut Down WeightTips to Cut Down Weight Weight Loss Exercise ProgramsWeight Loss Exercise Programs Weight loss exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the
												exercisesWeight loss exercises explained through animated images of trainers performing the exercises.
What Should You Do?What Should You Do? Client FeedbackClient Feedback Personal Trainer Assessment FormPersonal Trainer Assessment Form Personal training review sheetPersonal training review sheet How to Start the Personal Trainer BusinessHow to Start the Personal Trainer Business Personal Trainer AgreementPersonal Trainer Agreement Professional Liability Insurance and LawyersProfessional Liability Insurance and Lawyers Physical Activity Readiness QuestionnairePhysical Activity Readiness Questionnaire The Business of Personal Training - Steps to a Successful SaleThe Business of Personal Training - Steps to a Successful Sale Defining a Cancellation PolicyDefining a Cancellation Policy Billing and Fixing RatesBilling and Fixing Rates How to Create Long Term ClientsHow to Create Long Term Clients

Final Exam

You can take the final exam from your own device when you are ready. To ensure a high success rate in the exam, we have provided chapter-end review questions and a mock exam that perfectly resembles the exact format and nature of the final exam.

The Personal Trainer Certification Final Exam Format

Number of questions : 40

Format : Multiple choice questions (choose one right out of 4 given options)

Time allowed : 40 minutes

Pass marks : 50%

Retake Policy : You can buy a retake for $10 (no wait period)

Result : Your exam score is available as soon as you finish the exam and you can immediately download your online certificate and transcript.

Difficulty Level : Medium Difficulty (Majority students pass with great marks when they read the course once, go through the chapter-end review questions and take the mock test).

Personal Trainer Certification Sample QuestionsSee Sample Questions

Personal Trainer Certification Final Exam
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Read more about Sadler Sports
Keep Learning

The ExpertRating Personal Trainer course is designed keeping in mind your comfort and convenience. You can access the course from anywhere, anytime. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or always-on-the-go working professional, you can keep learning. Access it from your home computer, your tablet or your mobile phone – whatever or whenever is convenient for you.

When you choose the ExpertRating Personal Trainer Certification, you can be sure that you are choosing a respected certification that is recognized by hundreds of private employers and government bodies in the US and other countries.

ExpertRating offers its training and testing services to some of the biggest and best companies in the world, such as Convergys Corp, UPS, GAP, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Coke, Citrix, IKEA Systems, Google and Ericsson, to name a few.


Personal Trainer Certification

When you purchase the Personal Trainer Certification, you also receive the highly recognizable hard copy certificate at your physical address within 12-15 days of taking the exam.

  • The certificate can be used to prove your certified status and does not mention the word "online".
  • You will receive an online transcript that mentions your score and you can use it to prove your certified credentials on the internet or to employers and customers.


For taking this course, you need internet access, an e-mail account, and any web browser.


The fee is all-inclusive, and includes the in-depth Personal Trainer Courseware, exam fee, hard copy certificate and mailing charges.


Most people take 2-4 weeks to complete the course studying 1-2 hours a day.


In case you fail the exam, you can re-attempt the exam for $10 up to three times.


The certification can be renewed after one year by paying a fee of $30. You will receive a new hard copy certificate upon renewal.


Yes, you can access your study material at any point of time after successfully completing the certification.

The Personal Trainer Certification is by far the 'best value-for-money'
Personal Trainer Certification -- FOR JUST $99.99

Career Prospects for Personal Trainers

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the employment of fitness trainers and instructors will grow 39 percent through 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. In absolute numbers, this means an average of 69,100 new jobs will be added to the fitness training industry each year during this period.

The average hourly salary of personal trainers in the U.S. is $22.14. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for personal trainers is $49,151 a year. Reputable personal trainers easily make upwards of $70,000 a year. Compared to non-certified personal trainers, both the demand for and the salary of certified personal trainers is higher.

As a certified personal trainer, you can offer your services at gyms, fitness centers, spas, resorts, senior living facilities, and community centers. You can also step into the world of entrepreneurship and start your own fitness training business.

Career Prospects of the Personal Trainer Certification See where ExpertRating Certified Professionals are working
Career Prospects of the Personal Trainer Certification

Personal Trainer Certification - ExpertRating Advantages


At just $99.99, the ExpertRating Personal Trainer Certification is your 'best value-for-money' option for enrolling in a Personal Trainer Program. Payments can be made using all major credit cards or PayPal. All payments are through secure online transactions. ExpertRating is a PayPal verified seller with over 200,000+ sales through PayPal.


ExpertRating upholds the highest privacy standards and complies with strict program requirements, ensuring that your information is always safe.


ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, which reflects that our courses and tests conform to the highest international quality standards. Our training material is prepared by thorough professionals with years of experience, and goes through several rounds of analysis by expert teams to help develop well balanced, comprehensive and meaningful content.

Our website uses a PositiveSSL certificate to secure online transactions for customers. Any data you submit to this website over a https connection will be securely encrypted with the strongest available algorithms.


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About us


Over 6500 companies rely on ExpertRating for their training and testing needs

ExpertRating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company offering online certification and training services to individuals and companies globally. Over 25 million people have benefited from ExpertRating Online Certifications and assessments. ExpertRating is the winner of the Google SME Hero's award for showing outstanding use of technology in delivering trusted services to thousands of people on a daily basis. Our affordable certifications are an excellent way of demonstrating your knowledge and skills to prospective employers as well as vastly boosting your chances of moving ahead in your business or career.
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